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Chapter 4.2.2
Module:  4.
Potential environmental impacts identification in side-streams valorization technologies
Unit:  4.2.
Life cycle impact assessment, LCA assessment tools and their application
Chapter:  4.2.2.
LCA tools for evaluation

Up to date, there are several LCA software that can be found in the market, such a Gabi, Umberto, SimaPro, Gemis, OpenLCA, One Click LCA, BEES, CCaLC2 or Quantis Suite 2.0; being SimaPro and GaBi the two most popular worldwide. Among the alternatives available, some of them are free of costs, such as OpenLCA or CCaLC2. Similarly, there are some tools specialized only in carbon footprint calculations or devoted to the construction sector (e.g. One Click LCA).

In more 4.2.2, you can find details on criteria for the evaluation of life cycle assessment software (Heijungs 2017)(Heijungs 2017) and a comparative LCA software study(Ormazabal, M., Jaca, C., & Puga-Leal 2014)(Ormazabal, M., Jaca, C., & Puga-Leal 2014).

Additionally, some illustrative videos regarding GaBi, SimaPro, OpenLCA, and One Click LCA software can be accessed: Gabi, SimaPro, OpenLCA, and One Click LCA.