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Chapter 4.2.3
Module:  4.
Potential environmental impacts identification in side-streams valorization technologies
Unit:  4.2.
Life cycle impact assessment, LCA assessment tools and their application
Chapter:  4.2.3.
Interpretation of results

Interpretation involves the evaluation of the results of the inventory analysis and impact assessment to select the product, process, or service with the best performance within the context of the goal and scope of the study (International Organization for Standardization 14044 2007) (International Organization for Standardization 14044 2007)(International Organization for Standardization 14044 2007). In this phase, the findings obtained are presented synthetically, showing the critical sources of impacts and the possible options to reduce them. The interpretation is useful to indicate the results consistency according to all the aspects defined during the goal and scope stage. First of all, significant issues need to be identified (e.g. main process contributing most to the results). The interpretation requires consistency checks, ensuring that there is complete information. Sensitivity checks should be run. The uncertainty and accuracy of results are also addressed at this stage.

The interpretation proceeds in three main steps (International Organization for Standardization 14044 2007):