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Chapter 3.4.4
Module:  3.
Novel bioproducts development and validation in an operational environment
Unit:  3.4.
Environmental assessment of bioproducts: towards sustainable production process
Chapter:  3.4.4.
Dictionary & References

environmental hazards and risks

"Hazards" refers to sources of potential harm, whereas "risk" considers the frequency and severity of damage from hazards
Reference: World Bank

Fishery, Fisheries

Fishery is the combination of a fishing area plus the fishing gear and a target species.
Reference: BE-FAIR Project. Good practice manual for recovery, handling and classification of discards and side-streams on fishing fleets and fish auctions, 2006 (


Aquaculture, also called fish farming, fish culture, or mariculture, is the rearing of fish, shellfish, and some aquatic plants to supplement the natural supply.
Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica, (link).


Discards are the portion of the organic material of animal origin in the catch, which is thrown back into the sea either because of low value or legal requirements. Discards could be dead or alive. Fish offal is not included.
Reference: BE-FAIR Project. Good practice manual for recovery, handling and classification of discards and by-products on fishing fleets and fish auctions, 2006 (


Side-streams are solid or liquid parts of fish and other marine organisms, generated by the industrial processing and consisting of unprocessed fish and parts of fish, such as heads, tails, fins, scales, bones, blood, skins, flesh, roe, viscera, as well as the organic parts of other marine organisms (shellfish, shells…), which are not intended for human consumption.
Reference: BE-FAIR Project. Good practice manual for recovery, handling and classification of discards and by-products on fishing fleets and fish auctions, 2006 (

Fish waste

Fish waste includes the by-catch and Side-streams produced either on board, in land and by industries. Also the incidental catch when it is dead.
By-catch: The unintentional capture of non-target fish species.
Fish: Includes all fishes and other aquatic species such as crustaceans, cephalopods and mollusks.
Incidental catch: Rare events as catches of marine mammals, turtles or seabirds.
Reference: BE-FAIR Project. Good practice manual for recovery, handling and classification of discards and by-products on fishing fleets and fish auctions, 2006 (


Handling is the manner of elaborating fish and removing different side-streams of each specimen (head, viscera, tails, fins, liver).
Reference: BE-FAIR Project. Good practice manual for recovery, handling and classification of discards and by-products on fishing fleets and fish auctions, 2006 (


Dumping is the disposal into the sea of fish waste or organic materials resulting from the processing activities on board of vessels.
Reference: BE-FAIR Project. Good practice manual for recovery, handling and classification of discards and by-products on fishing fleets and fish auctions, 2006 (

Directive 2014/52/EU


Directive (85/337/EEC)


Directive 97/11/EC


Directive 2003/35/EC


Directive 2009/31/EC


Directive 2011/92/EU


Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context


Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter


Blueprint to safeguard Europe's water resources


Marine Strategy Framework Directive


Common Fisheries Policy


Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009


Council Directive 1999/31/EC


Directive 2010/75/EU


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development


Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011


Commission Regulation (EC) No 1234/2003

